Largely self-taught, Montgomery is often thought of as just a blues pianist, but he was an important blues pianist with an original style. He was also quite versatile, however, and worked in jazz bands including larger ensembles that used written arrangements. Although he did not read music, he learned band routines by ear, once through an arrangement and he had it memorized. He was a singer with an immediately recognizable, rather affecting wobble: an oral historian as full of musical anecdotes as Jelly Roll Morton.
Early on he played at African American lumber and turpentine camps in Louisiana and Mississippi, then with the bands of Clarence Desdunes and Buddy Petit. He first went to Chicago from 1928 to 1931, where he made his first recordings. From 1931 through 1938 he led a band in Jackson.
In 1942 Montgomery moved back to Chicago, which would be his base for the rest of his life, with various tours to other United States cities and Europe. His repertoire alternated between blues and traditional jazz (he played Carnegie Hall with Kid Ory's Dixieland band in 1949). In the late 1950s he was "discovered" by wider white audiences. He toured briefly with Otis Rush in 1956. His fame grew in the 1960s, and he continued to make many recordings, including on his own record label, FM Records (formed in 1969). FM came from Floberg, his wife Jan's maiden name and Montgomery, his own surname.
Among his original compositions are "Shreveport Farewell", "Farrish Street Jive", and "Vicksburg Blues".
In 1968, Montgomery contributed to two albums by popular vocal pop group Spanky and Our Gang. The two albums were "Like To Get To Know You" and "Anything You Choose b/w Without Rhyme Or Reason".
Montgomery died on September 6, 1985, in Champaign, Illinois, and is interred in the Oak Woods Cemetery.
Eurreal Wilford "Little Brother" Montgomery (18 abril 1906 a 6 septiembre 1985) fue un pianista de jazz y blues y cantante.En gran parte autodidacta, Montgomery es a menudo considerado como un simple pianista de blues, pero era un pianista de blues importante con un estilo original. También era muy versátil, sin embargo, y trabajó en bandas de jazz como conjuntos más grandes que utilizan los acuerdos por escrito.Aunque él no leía música, aprendió las rutinas de la banda por el oído, una vez que a través de un acuerdo y que había aprendido de memoria. Era un cantante con una reconocible al instante, y no afectan a tambalearse: un historiador oral como llena de anécdotas musicales como Jelly Roll Morton.
Al principio él jugó en madera afro-americanos y los campos de trementina en Louisiana y Mississippi, y luego con las bandas de Clarence Desdunes y Petit Buddy. Primero fue a Chicago desde 1928 hasta 1931, donde hizo sus primeras grabaciones.De 1931 a 1938 dirigió una banda de Jackson.En 1942, Montgomery se trasladó a Chicago, lo que sería su base para el resto de su vida, con varias excursiones a otras ciudades de Estados Unidos y Europa. Su repertorio se alternan entre el blues y el jazz tradicional (tocó el Carnegie Hall con la banda de Kid Ory Dixieland en 1949). A finales de 1950 fue "descubierta" por un público más amplio blanco. Él viajó brevemente con Otis Rush en 1956. Su fama creció en la década de 1960, y continuó con sus numerosas grabaciones, incluyendo en su propio sello discográfico, FM Records (creada en 1969). FM vino de Floberg, nombre de soltera de su esposa Jan y Montgomery, su propio apellido.
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